Enhancing Your Amazon Reputation: Building High-Quality Reviews the Right Way

As an Amazon seller, building a strong reputation is essential for success. Positive reviews not only boost your credibility but also attract more customers to your products. However, it’s important to understand the risks associated with unscrupulous practices like brushing scams and the significance of obtaining high-quality reviews through ethical means.  Learn more about the… Continue reading Enhancing Your Amazon Reputation: Building High-Quality Reviews the Right Way

5 expert tips on how to optimise your Amazon listings

Just like Google, Amazon is like a search engine of its own, meaning that optimisation needs to be at the top of your to-do list when it comes to your product listings.  The difference between Amazon and Google, though is that bigger brands tend to do better on Google due to backlinks and domain authority,… Continue reading 5 expert tips on how to optimise your Amazon listings

5 reasons to avoid duplicate listings on Amazon

Brands may become flippant about there being duplicate listings of their products on Amazon, as long as the sales are coming in what is the harm? What these brands fail to realise the detrimental long-term effect these duplicate listings could be having on a brand unless dealt with quickly. Here are six compelling reasons why… Continue reading 5 reasons to avoid duplicate listings on Amazon

5 ways to keep aggressive competitors at bay on Amazon

Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) are a fantastic way for sellers to increase their conversions on Amazon, particularly in competitive categories. However, if you find you are constantly being outbid by a competitors with a higher budget or are being bullied out of bidding there are a few things you can do to keep these aggressive… Continue reading 5 ways to keep aggressive competitors at bay on Amazon

8 focus areas to optimise on Amazon, in order!

Amazon is a highly competitive environment for sellers, meaning that brands need to be on their A game at all times in order to experience success on the marketplace. Just like Google, Amazon has algorithms which are constantly being updated and changing the playing field, meaning that being a seller on Amazon is not a… Continue reading 8 focus areas to optimise on Amazon, in order!

Amazon Deals: The options explained, plus 10 things sellers NEED to know

A huge draw for shoppers on Amazon is the competitive pricing. Typically, products sold on Amazon will be at their lowest price. There are also, of course, the deals on Amazon which attract buyers to the marketplace, hoping to snag a deal. All sellers want to make a profit, but losing some to gain awareness… Continue reading Amazon Deals: The options explained, plus 10 things sellers NEED to know

Amazon FBA: What is it and should you be using it?

As sellers and vendors on Amazon will soon come to realise when starting out on the marketplace is that Amazon loves to use acronyms. ASIN, CRaP, AVC, ASC and so on. One of the acronyms you have probably seen flying about is FBA.   What is Amazon FBA? FBA stands for Fulfilled By Amazon and is… Continue reading Amazon FBA: What is it and should you be using it?

Amazon image optimisation: A quick guide to Amazon’s image sizes and restrictions

Pictures are worth 1000 words and on Amazon, that is no different. A high-quality, well angled image could be the difference between a consumer choosing your product over a similar one from a competitor. Product images are displayed all over Amazon’s marketplace from the main product page, search results, and even on Amazon advertisements. For… Continue reading Amazon image optimisation: A quick guide to Amazon’s image sizes and restrictions

Back to basics: How to set up a seller account on Amazon

Amazon offers sellers the chance to reach a huge, already established and loyal consumer base, and as long as you follow their rules and put the effort in, it can be very lucrative for larger retailers and smaller ones too. Amazon wants to attract all online shoppers and to do this they need to offer… Continue reading Back to basics: How to set up a seller account on Amazon

Common problems of selling on Amazon and how to overcome them

Amazon has dominated online retail for over two decades, giving its consumers access to the best priced products from a number of different sellers, both offering branded and unbranded goods. Only more recently though Amazon has established itself as a place brands must be to stay ahead of their competition and increase their conversions. 90%… Continue reading Common problems of selling on Amazon and how to overcome them

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