Hiring an Amazon consultancy agency: What to ask and what to know

Amazon can be a tricky beast for businesses to flourish on due to Amazon policies and the level of competition on the marketplace. This is why there are specialist Amazon consultant agencies like Arthia that support brands looking to succeed. But, how can you make sure the agency you pick is right for you? We will take you through some of the things you need to know before enlisting an Amazon consultancy agency and the questions you need to ask.

Why hire an Amazon agency?

It may seem counterproductive for business owners to part with money for an agency when their end goal is to make more money, but getting the most out of Amazon for your business requires a high level of time and skill in a space with a lot of competition. Doing things right on the marketplace can spell huge financial success which is why getting specialist support is recommended.

The right Amazon consultant can work with Sellers and Vendors on Amazon all day everyday to perfect product listing optimisation, operational logistics, Amazon advertising and more, allowing brands to get the most out of selling on Amazon.

But with so many agencies out there, it is important that you know the questions to ask in order to find the right one for you. Here are six questions to ask to help!

Do the Amazon consultancy or agency offer the services you need?

It may seem obvious that you should make sure the agency you are looking to hire provides the services you want but as not all Amazon agencies offer the same it is a good question to start with. For example, some agencies focus on specific aspects of selling on Amazon, such as pay-per-click advertising or listing optimisation. 

It can be difficult for brands to determine which part of your strategy needs help and generally, only focusing on one part of your strategy or on a less effective aspect may end up having the opposite effect on your sales. For example, if you are putting money into advertising on Amazon but your product listings are not optimised, you are unlikely to see conversions from the advertising efforts, meaning you are going to be spending more money than you are making. A good agency will review your needs in a consultation and determine what services are required to achieve your goals.

How much eCommerce experience does your Amazon agency have?

Just with any job, practice makes perfect, the more experience an agency has the better the result will be for your brand.  It is vital that an Amazon agency understands how eCommerce sales works. Increasing sales requires a good understanding of trends, customer insight, eCommerce knowledge and skill and the more experience a consultancy has in these areas, the better they will deliver a strategy that achieves your business objectives. Look for an agency that has extensive eCommerce experience.

Does your consultancy understand Amazon SEO?

Amazon SEO isn’t the same as Google’s though, although the principle is the same, to improve rankings the ranking factors and tactics to improve them are different. If an Amazon consultant doesn’t understand that then this should be a red flag. It is key that an Amazon strategy factors in Amazon’s A9 algorithm to achieve success. This algorithm affects every part of the selling process from advertising, content and even account management so every campaign must be optimised. Amazon SEO is also constantly updating and changing so it is vital that the agency have an always on approach, being aware of these changes and can adapt the strategy.

Are they a transparent agency?

Transparency from an agency is key for developing a trustworthy client-consultant relationship. You will be entrusting private details about your brand to this agency, so it is important that they keep you in the loop as to what they are working on. A good Amazon consultant will keep you updated.

Also, you should never commit to an agency that has not made their pricing transparent. Any reputable marketing agency should be forthcoming with the price range of the services before any contract is signed, to ensure it is affordable.

Our team would be happy to answer all of the above and any other questions you may have.

Get in touch with our team of specialists to get the answers you need.

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